Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rules & regulation

1. Kuiz Alam Sekitar

- This is an English environment-related quiz.
- Each team has to consist of 3 members.
- Registration fee is RM2 only including certificate and is to be done on the day of event.
- Each UKM college can send as many teams as they want.
- Preliminary round is a written individual test concerning basic general knowledge regarding environmental issues. It consists of 30 multiple choice questions that have to be answered in 30 minutes in the morning session at 8 am.
- The team qualifying for the final round has to be the team with the highest total of the 3 individual marks obtained in the written test.
- Only 3 of the teams with the highest total marks will make it to the finals.
- The final round is during the closing ceremony in the afternoon session. It is an oral quiz on 4 various environmental-related themes.
- Prizes are given for champion, 1st and 2nd runner up teams.

2. Public speaking competition

- This is an English public speaking competition.
- Registration fee is only RM2 including certificate and is to be done on the day of event.
- Preliminary rounds will be held in the morning session at 8 am.
- Each college can send as many participants as wished.
- Each contestant has to present a prepared speech of 6 minutes based on an environment-related topic from these themes
- Acid Rain, Air Pollution, Animal Cloning, Animal Experimentation, Animal Rights, Antarctica Research, Biodiversity, Changing Weather Patterns, Ecology, Endangered Oceans, Endangered Species, Energy Conservation, Global Resources, Global Warming, Oil Spills, Littering, Marine Pollution, Noise Pollution, Pesticides, Rain Forests, Recycling, Vivisection, Water Pollution, Water Resources.
- However, the contestants are more than welcome to pick a topic not mentioned here, as long as it concerns the environment.
- Speakers will be judged based on
- Content – suitable and substantial, original and intelligent exploration of thoughts, satisfactory conclusion, worthwhile and convincing message
- Structure – structure of the speech enhancing or distracting from the contestant’s speech
- Word choice – proficiency in English, appropriate use of jokes.
- Vocal use – appropriate use of tone, pace and projection.
- Non-verbal communication – what does the contestant communicate without speaking, confidence and ease with self while on stage.
- The top 5 contestants will be chosen for the final round.
- The final round is during the closing ceremony.
- It is an impromptu speech cast by lots from 5 specially picked topics on a particular environment theme.
- Finalists will have one hour to prepare.
- The time allowed for the impromptu speech is three minutes.
- Top 3 winners will receive prizes.

3.Pertandingan mereka poster grafik

• Idea original
• Poster dapat member inspirasi kepada masyarakat untuk mencintai dan menjaga alam sekitar.
• Kualiti gambar perlu jelas, pemilihan warna adalah bebas.
• Poster perlu mengandungi slogan untuk menyampaikan mesej cintai alam sekitar (tidak melebihi 10 patah perkataan). Contoh: Bumi Hijau Khazanah Negara
• Isi kandungan poster tidak menyentuh isi-isu agama, kaum, politik dan isu-isu sensitif yang lain.
Syarat-syarat penyertaan:
• Pertandingan hanya terbuka kepada pelajar Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
• Sila sertakan nama, nombor matrik, fakulti dan tahun pengajian, nombor telefon dan e-mail.
• Penyertaan perlu dihantar melalui e-mail sebelum 17 September 2010 atau
• Setiap peserta boleh menghantar maksimum 3 penyertaan. Hanya satu hadiah akan diberi kepada setiap pemenang.
• Sebarang poster lukisan tangan tidak akan diterima.
• Poster yang dihantar adalah hak milik penganjur. Penganjur berhak mencetak, mempamer atau menerbit poster.
• Poster yang terpilih akan dipamerkan pada hari program.
• Keputusan pengadil adalah muktamad. Sebarang surat-menyurat, sistem pesanan ringkas atau e-mail tidak akan dilayan.
• Pihak penganjur akan menghubungi pemenang dan hadiah akan disampaikan pada hari program.
• Hadiah tertakluk kepada terma dan syarat. Pihak penganjur berhak menukar hadiah dengan nilai yang sama.

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